What do women really want out of a relationship with a man? This is a question that I have asked myself over and over again after my wife and I cannot agree on something. I used to be a firm believer that all women wanted was to be loved, but I was wrong.
A woman needs a lot more than love from the men in their lives. It took me a while to figure it out but after 16 years of marriage I think I might have stumbled upon an answer to this age old mystifying question. I realized it in a mall of all places, go figure. I was waiting for my wife to finish up in a store as I sat on a bench outside with three other bored men. We got to talking about how their wife's and girlfriends are always dragging them around to different shops and how they couldn't stand it any longer. We all agreed that we were only there so that when we wanted to watch a ballgame or go out with the boys all we had to do was leverage the shopping mall trip to obtain our goals. That is how men think.
I was pondering what would happen if us men actually went into the stores with our wife's or girlfriends and stayed close by to give our honest (to a point) opinion on what we thought of their choices. I decided to do an experiment and do just that. The next time my wife wanted to go to the mall I agreed with no hums and haws and went along. When we got to the mall I stayed close by her and went to each store with her, giving my opinions and such all to my wifes surprise. Don't get me wrong she knew something was up from the get-go but didn't say anything to me.
The day went exceptionally well and we laughed and held hands and went to lunch together. I then realized that what women want is not just love but companionship, and there is a difference. Love can be expressed in so may ways - a card, flowers, a kiss, holding hands etc... But true companionship can only be expressed thru shared times like laughing together, crying together, traveling together and yes even shopping together.
When us men sit on a bench and wait for our women its because we are just naturally selfish and uncaring about what our women think, we just want to get out of there as fast as possible. I am suggesting to any man reading this that doing something as small as going into the store with your wife and helping her make a decision on something can change your relationship for the better.
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