Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Things Men Want To Hear - Words To Make Your Boyfriend Love You More By Kimberly M White

Have you ever thought about what things men want to hear from their women? Would you like to know the special words that can make him fall for you even more? Do you want to find out why these words can have such a wonderful effect on your relationship? It should come as no surprise that the things men want to hear are not as much to do with the actual words as they are with the message behind the words.

You can make his dreams of having a loving woman who deeply cares for him, come true, by sending the right message to him through your words. Saying the things men want to hear can work wonders for a relationship, by bringing you closer to each other.

By letting him know how you feel and what he means to you, he will love and cherish you even more. So what exactly are these magic words?

Magic Words For Men
  • Tell him you trust him. This is a biggie for a man. He'll feel great if he knows that you rely on and trust him, and he'll do everything in his power to make sure he doesn't let you down. This makes him feel loved and important in your eyes which can only make things better for you too.

  • Tell him you have confidence in him. He needs to feel that you aren't looking to replace him if he fails at something. You hold his confidence in your hands and you can make him feel on top of the world or down in the dumps depending on how you react to what he does.

  • Tell him you're proud of him. He'll take on the world for you and work his fingers to the bone to live up to your pride. A man's self-esteem is often linked to how he earns a living. Get him talking about what he's accomplished and you can make his day.

  • Tell him how important he is to you. Everybody needs to feel like they have value. By making a point of telling him how much he means to you and how he makes your world a better and happier place, you can build him up. He'll want to prove you right by doing so much for you.

  • Tell him you want him. There is no more powerful turn-on for a man than to hear that his woman wants him. The strong attraction that is already there between you will grow to be even stronger when you let him know that you want him.

  • Finally, and most importantly, tell him that you love him. These are the most important words of all and can bring an even greater closeness and intimacy to your relationship.
That pretty much covers all the things men want to hear. But as you've probably realized it's the meaning behind the words that makes them meaningful.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Signs That Show a Shy Guy Likes You By Vivian Booth

The signs that show a shy guy likes you are sometimes hard to spot. Even socially challenged guys need love although many times these types of guys may have trouble expressing their feelings. A understanding of how these guys show affection can help you understand what is really going on in his head and heart.

One of the ways to tell if a shy guy really likes you is the way he looks at you. Or should I say they way he doesn't look at you. It can be down right maddening to see a guy who you are really interested in always look away when you catch him checking you out. You would expect a guy who is interested in you to at least strike up a casual conversation or at least acknowledge you with a smile or wink. This may be asking to much of guy that is not as social confident as other guys. Many times if you want to get to know him better you are going to have to make the first move. If you approach him in a non threatening manner and don't rush things he will begin to open up to you and you can get to know each other better.

Like it or not some guys are confused about how they are suppose to act. Relationships don't come natural to them and they either try to hard or they give up and don't try at all. If you are really interested in a shy guy be prepared to take the lead. At least for a while. Subtle signals will usually not work. You are going to have to encourage him to pursue you if that is what you want. As he gets to know you better he will began to initiate more things in the relationship but be prepared at first to give strong but non threatening signals about how the relationship should proceed.

The signs that show a shy guy likes you may be very subtle especially at first. Shy guys are not big risk takers and hate the thought of rejection. If you think a shy guy likes you chances are he has put much thought into wanting to be with you. He probably really likes you but is just afraid to step out and let you know his true feelings. If you like him as well take it upon yourself to let him know how you feel about him. He will then feel more comfortable with telling you his true feelings for you.

Shy guys can provide you with some of the best relationships if you can just help them get past their insecurity and inability to express themselves.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dreaming About a Special Person

Dreams about love are very common. If you are in love with someone you will surely have many dreams about this person. The unconscious mind is very generous; it sends you all the information you need about the special person in your own dreams.

This happens because the main function of the unconscious mind that produces your dreams is to protect your mental health. When you are in love you can easily lose your mind.

The psychiatrist Carl Jung managed to discover the real meaning of the dream language and I managed to prove that his statements were real discoveries. This means that you can safely trust the information and the guidance you receive in dream messages.

The impression that dreams have no meaning or that they simply reflect our fears and emotions is totally false. Dreams about love contain important information that protects your mental stability and gives you a true vision about what is happening to you, about the personality of the person you love, and about your relationship.

If you keep dreaming about a special person, this is a serious indication that you must learn many things about them.

* Perhaps this is not the right person for you. You must understand that you will be hurt if you'll insist on having a love relationship with them.

* Perhaps this person loves you too, but there are many complications in your way until you'll finally have the love relationship you desire.

* Perhaps you have really found your perfect match and you must understand the importance of this meeting for your life.

* Perhaps there is someone else threatening your relationship with him/her and you must be aware of this danger.

There are numerous possibilities, depending on your case. The unconscious mind sends you many warnings when you are in danger. It also sends you many enlightening signs when you cannot believe that you have really found the ideal person for you.

If you have a problematic relationship, the unconscious mind will show you how to eliminate what is causing problems, so that you may have the perfect relationship you desire.

Even if there are not visible problems, if you have constant dreams about the person you love this means that you must understand something you ignore about this person. You have to pay attention to various details in order to save your relationship, or you have to understand that this person is not the idol you have in mind.
The unconscious mind sends you many dreams about the person you love when you are rejected or betrayed. You must understand their mistakes and stop believing that they were the ideal person for you.

If you keep dreaming about your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, this means that you didn't pay attention to the bitter lessons you had with your deception in love. You are still looking for a partner that has the same behavior of your old partner. You must stop caring about a person who won't respect your feelings.

In case you have dreams about someone you met somewhere, but you are not so sure if you like them or not, this means that this person will become very important for you in a while. The unconscious mind sends you dreams about someone who will become a special person for you when you'll pay attention to their charm even before you'll notice their presence.

The unconscious guidance gives you relief, real solutions, and real protection. You learn how to interpret the other person's reactions, what they really like, and how to avoid all conflicts.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Relationships - The Good and The Bad

Love is one of the most basic and most desirable human emotions. Although love brings all sorts of challenges, excitement and boredom, affection and anger we all seek it fully aware that it might bring us unhappiness, but on the other hand, it might bring us the happiness we've been waiting for all of our lives. At the end of the day whatever it might hold, love gives our lives meaning and hope for a better tomorrow.

A lot of effort is required to build a relationship, but it doesn't stop there because you have to constantly maintain it. Let me give you an example: suppose you want buy a car that you really like and once you have the money you go ahead and buy it. Now you have your car and you love driving it around, but the little red light comes on and you need to change the oil, or you got a flat tire, what would you do? Change it or replace it of course! If you don't change that oil you're going to have more problems down the line and if you don't replace the tire you simply can't drive. Well, that's how relationships are; once you are in one, you must maintain it in order to" function" right. Let's take a deeper look into relationships: the failure and the success. 

Many relationships end, and many more marriages end in divorce. In fact according to the Nation Master, 1 out 100 couples will end in divorce in the United State of America every year. You're probably wondering how that can be. When a couple decides to get married they're in love, so why would they want to divorce? There are a couple of factors that can lead to a divorce, one of them being a lack of communication.

Effective communication is a key to a good and healthy relationship! How can one understand you if you don't communicate with them? C' mon now, we are not mind readers and you can't expect someone to know exactly how you feel, or what's wrong, without telling them. There are three keys to good communication: self-disclosure, giving and receiving feedback, and the most important of them all: LISTENING!
  1. Self-disclosure- This is all about trusting your partner with information that you wouldn't reveal to anyone else. Doing so brings both partners closer and forms a stronger relationship and helps bolster feelings. Some people just assume that the partner would know such things about them but that's where the mistake is made; don't just assume your partner knows everything about you. People who assume this end up sharing less because they think the partner knows everything already.

  2. Feedback- Give positive feedback and let your partner know that you understand and sympathize with them. Although sometimes you might not be happy with what you hear and you might disagree, it's very important to respect and understand your partner's feelings because that's how they feel, and although you might not like hearing it, it's the truth. Going off on them won't help either. That's why self-disclosure and feedback are very important because both will open the door to a better communication, while fostering a healthier relationship.

  3. Listening- I cannot stress how important listening is in a relationship! Listening to someone speak doesn't necessarily mean that we are listening. Effectively listening to someone requires a lot of energy and patience to fully understand what one is saying. It is very important to respect what your partner has to say without judging, blaming or yelling across the room. By doing so, your partner will feel closer to you and will open up about more stuff which will build a stronger relationship.

  4. Jealousy-Jealousy, as described in the book Core Concepts in Health," [is] the anger, [and] a painful response to a partner's real, imagined or likely involvement with a third party". Although many people believe that jealousy is a form of caring or love, it's actually quite the opposite as possession and insecurity arise. Extreme jealousy can destroy relationships, and in my experience, 2 out of 4 relationships will end because of it. This also has to do with the self-esteem of the partners. If the partner has low self-esteem, jealousy is most likely to arise. So before you go nuts and blame your partner of the "what if", think that she/he is with you because they want you! There's no reason for you to be jealous because they already chose YOU!

  5. Unrealistic expectations-You must understand that your partner is their own person with their own likes and dislikes; yes, in fact, they have their own personality! Some expectations can be very unfair, unrealistic, and will eventually end up damaging your relationship as you'll end up blaming your partner for everything that goes wrong. One thing many people fail to understand is that people don't just change. Many don't seem to understand that sometimes their partners might not change at all. Our personality is who we are and we can't just change it whenever we want, so in a lot of cases some people don't want to change. We've developed our personality since our teenage years and we've been us for the past number of years, do you really think there's a chance of changing?
A little advice from me to you.
Gentlemen! Sometimes your partner will bring up an uncomfortable topic in which you might feel the need to retreat and leave; DON'T! Listen to what she has to say and respect the way she feels. Telling her to calm down will likely create the opposite response. Discuss with her what the problem is, and find a way to solve it so that both parties can be happy. My message here is: Understand and Sympathize.

Ladies! When you try to approach your partner with something that's bothering you, don't just go off on him yelling and/or blaming him for whatever is going on. Don't be critical! Take a moment to understand what the problem is, and find the most effective way to address it with your partner. Make him feel comfortable if you see he isn't. Come to a conclusion that will leave you both happy.

Psychology & Relationships
Relationships end for all kinds of reasons and the most common psychological complain is associated with depression. Staying in an unsatisfying relationship can change a person dramatically for the worse as one can become withdrawn which will eventually lead one to develop a mental disorder and emotional problems. A happy, cheerful person can start to display low self-esteem and eventually that will lead to depression as they're constantly criticized, and brought down by the other partner. There's also the physical abuse some partners put up with without the courage to walk away from the relationship. The best way to prevent yourself from this kind of situation happening take a step back when you notice a bad sign in relationship. 

Take a moment to understand what's going on in your relationship and whether or not it's fixable. If you do give your relationship a second chance and it turns out you shouldn't, WALK AWAY! There's no such thing as it won't happen again; If it happens once it will happen again. Don't allow yourself to go through the abuse, depression, other worse mental illness or have someone change the wonderful personality you have. A good example of emotional abuse would be my very good friend Elwira who about three years ago got out of a bad relationship. After being with her boyfriend of four years she found out he was cheating on her, after confronting him about it she forgave him. Once a cheater always a cheater right? After a few more months she found out he was cheating again! As heartbroken as she was, she ended the relationship; her life took a turn for the worse as she fell into depression. Puffy eyes, sleepless nights, and emotional exhaustion were keeping her from continuing her life normally. She went on sleeping medication because she couldn't sleep and when she did nightmares took over. Aside from the sleeping medication, Elwira, also started taking antidepressants desperate to get her life back. Life is a roller coaster, sometimes it can be very challenging and other times just wonderful. Find the one that makes you happy and never settle for less.

"We all get freaked out from time to time, but we keep trying because you have to figure, if the world's fattest twins can find love there's hope for all of us. Somewhere, out there, there's another little freak that'll love us, understand us, will kiss our three heads and make it all better.'

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Calm Relationships, Developing Character - God Is Unchangeable

God promised a life of love, wisdom, and quiet confident strength and will never repent or change. Character firmness binds faithfulness. He acts out of who He is, not out of what He feels. His action restores relationship life in the human experience. Christ Jesus invites all, who with unhesitating trust to confidently live, certain that God's promise leads into Heavenly Life, the superior way of being and living. The way is endless and unchangeable; eternal life.

Character in essence and fundamental nature, in type of behavior, in consciousness, and in will, as it is in God, is unchangeable and perfect; immutable. Eternal God is above all and creator of all, and consistent. Science, the knowledge of observable creation facts and its cause, is a systematic arrangement of known facts for human understanding of what God has put in place and upholds in design perfection. Science is subject to change as unseen existing facts enlighten the mind. Mankind manifests complex, changeable, error prone behaviors always subject to fact which, along with will, motivates character adjustment and direction correction. Binding immutability of God is appropriately His character.

In God's faithfulness the necessary part which makes people human and not animal, is not only recognized, but honored; non-interference with willful people yet continually encouraging actions beyond body demanding instincts. The promised love, wisdom, and quiet confident strength shown in Jesus are God's intent for people as reasoned and relational in responsive Love; character. Decisively adopting and accepting God's character, each person willingly begins to mature in the eternal fundamental nature and essence of Heaven toward character calmness.

God's chosen place of abode for His Spirit is in humanity and together with others is a new corporate body of Christ on earth. Jesus lived God's Spirit while here on earth, but ascended to complete preparation for people as sanctuary for His Spirit's dwelling. This inconceivable Spiritual mystery, preceded by Old Testament foreshadowing and prophesying Jesus' birth, His death, resurrection, and ascension, can only be grasped with insight (revelation) stimulated by the comforting indwelling perfect (Holy) Spirit.

Following 10 days of unceasing anticipatory prayer, Heavenly Life (God's perfect Spirit--the Holy Spirit) encompassed the lives of ordinary people. Experiencing loss of the comforting person, followed for three years, folks gathered expecting to receive a new unknown comfort, a new promised comforter--a new insight into God's nature. A new enlivening Spirit of Love, Wisdom, and quiet comforting strength descended, manifesting in a new confident character changing freedom.

Many will think of Heaven as a place where God is; as a place of entitlement with hope of going there when death happens. Scripture outlines Heaven as a life which lasts forever and of God's closeness now; the relational experience for every day, hour and minute. Jesus said the 'relational' Kingdom is at hand, now as well as future. Feeding and clothing the widows and orphans is now. Only out of the gift of God's Spirit, can the true character of God be manifested here on earth; God's eternal will.

People are happy to pray "thy Kingdom come on earth" without the immanence realization of this daily prayer; thy Kingdom comes on earth "as it is in Heaven" with a human element; willingness. From ones relationship with Father God, to relationship with another, God's character appears on earth. Spiritually quickened Word seeds, stored in each heart, responsively returns to memory to plant in the receptiveness of another. The sprouting 'true' human loving maturity in the world is the place Jesus promised to prepare for each person's unique growth.From Father God's Holiest presence, beyond the veil of fleshly desires, Christ Jesus sends the Spirit of God into spiritually bankrupt (fallen) humanity to transform the heart into a holy sanctuary. Fellowship with Father God, in His Spirit, lights the maturing heart's pathway to faithfully invest heart fellowship in others. Relationship with God and relationship with others successfully concludes in reconciliation; Heaven's Joy and Peace experience.

Prayer: Father God I have accepted your Spirit Life into my spirit by believing and confessing that Jesus is the Christ. I now want to have my heart condition transformed by renewing my mind in your Word. I want to mature in the place where I live, to become more like Christ, consistent in word and deed with others. I want your Kingdom done on earth through me. Forgive my immaturity; for not preparing my heart. I want my heart as your heart; focused on relationships in your Spirit. Thank you, your guiding and teaching Spirit is my comfort. Amen

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Love Compatibility - Am I Compatible With My Partner?

One of the main reasons why a lot of relationships fail is incompatibility. A lot of men and women rush into relationships without even making the effort to examine if they are compatible with their partners or not. Compatibility does not necessarily require for you and your partner to be exactly alike, but it's more of being able to complement each other well. Read on and learn about the signs and factors that can determine if you are compatible with your partner or not.

1. Effortless communication. Communication is a very important factor to a healthy relationship. Compatible partners will find it very easy to talk to each other, no matter what the subject. Compatible couples also have that urge to share their thoughts to their partner simply because they feel at ease and well-accepted.

2. Comfortable silence. Some experts say that one way of testing compatibility between partners is their ability to feel comfortable and be in synch with each other even without talking.

3. You feel at ease with your partner's presence. There are some couples who may start to feel irritated when their partner is around. Although this sign may not come at the early stage of the relationship, this is a huge symptom of incompatibility between long-time partners.

4. You feel at ease with your partner's family and friends. Your family and friends are as much a part of you as anything else. So if your partner does not blend in well with the people who are closest to, then this is a sign of rough waters ahead.

5. Compatible lifestyle. It is very important that you are happy with your partner's lifestyle as well. However, if you love the outdoors and she barely goes out of the house, this may be a possible source of disagreement.

6. Finances. This is an equally important part of a relationship. Money issues are one of the most common causes of problems between couples. Make sure that your financial statuses match as this can lead to insecurities and sources of conflict.

7. Educational attainment. The level of educational attainment may also be a source of incompatibility between partners. This is mostly because those who have the same level of education can relate much better to each other than those who don't.

8. Level of affection. There are some people who are used to showing affection in public while there are others who are totally not comfortable with the idea. This incompatibility can be a possible source of conflict as well.

9. Religious beliefs. Contrasting religious beliefs can be a huge problem in relationships, especially for partners who have a strong religious background and for those who do not want to compromise or convert.

10. Similar life goals. People with contrasting life goals simply cannot live harmoniously together. Your partner may be dreaming to be married before the year ends while you may have no plans of getting tied at all.
So always watch out for these signs of incompatibilities. If they are present in your relationship, try as best as you can to deal with them together, the soonest time possible.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Do You Know If Your Boyfriend Loves You? Watch For These Clues

We all know that being in love is such a great feeling. Unfortunately, if you are not sure your boyfriend loves you it can leave you wondering what your next steps should be. Sometimes it looks like he loves you but you just cannot nail it down yet.

If you were sure your boyfriend does have feelings for you or is in love with you, you would be able to make a commitment to him. You may want to stay with him forever, but if he does not have the same feelings as you, you may be wasting your time with him.

If his feelings for you do not appear to be very strong now, you can still try to get him to love you. It may take some time but if you pay attention you can spot some clues that indicate if your boyfriend really loves you.

One is how well he listens to you when you are talking to him. If he is really listening to you, your conversation would not be one sided. He will care about what you have to say if he likes you instead of always casually paying attention.

If your boyfriend is in the habit of occasionally surprising you with small gifts that would be a good sign. This may be his way of showing his love for you; some guys find it hard expressing it in other ways.

Does he really know you? If he knows things about you such as details about your childhood, favorite foods and what makes you laugh, that would be a sure sign he cares enough about you to know these things.

How does he treat you? Of course treating you with respect would be important but also the little things are important too. Does he try cooking for you or go places with you that he might not normally go on his own? If he generally does things that make you feel good then he probably cares about you.

Has your boyfriend discussed the future with you? Especially when his future has the two of you together. If he did not love you he would not be making future plans with you, especially if he is talking about a family together.

The clues above are all good indicators that your boyfriend loves you, but remember your boyfriend may have a different way of expressing his feelings. He may display one or two of them which is good but the more he shows the better.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Add More Spice to a Long Lasting Relationship

When people fall in love, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Love is the greatest force that still exists in the universe. Finding that special one is very exciting and when one does find their perfect match, it is the only thing that they think about. Whether one finds their loved one from work, neighbourhood, other social gatherings or dating sites, it does not matter as long as they are found. They walk with their heads in the clouds with their only thoughts being about their loved one and when they will get the opportunity to see them again. Everyone needs to have someone that they know loves them, cares for them and has their best interests at heart.

This is the best way one can live their life in happiness and satisfaction. However, there comes a time when all the excitement seems to feel like every other normal thing. The special feeling that was originally there disappears and everything becomes everyday life. The love might still be there but the magic that was there before is no longer. While months and years pass, people get immersed in the pursuit of excellence and success in other matters such as careers and school that they forget about their relationship. This is because while people get older, more responsibilities come and the pressures of life add to their un-attentiveness state to their relationship.

However, it is very important to always remember to take care of the relationship. Finding someone who might be the one can be a challenging thing. If one has that person in their life already, it is critical to do everything to keep them there and not just keep them but be happy with them. Hearing that they are loved as often as they used to hear when the relationship was young is a good place to start. While people have different ways of showing their affection, it helps a lot being obvious such that the person you love does not doubt that love. Secondly, one should be thoughtful and do things that bring joy to their loved ones. One should try to recall what they used to do in their early days. This could be showering them with gifts and surprises such as flowers and even going on dates to eat out. One should spare time even with all the hustle and baffle of life to spend quality time with their loved one.

Other ways to add spice could be going on vacations together without other people even children. Spending more time with each other is very helpful in getting the magic back. Those who are still looking for a person to love can look in dating sites and any other avenues that they have to find love.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Power of Words

Each time you say something, how often have you thought about it. Without even realising it, what we say can either build or destroy a relationship.
It is amazing the power that words have in our day to day lives. So before you think of belittling anyone think of what you are doing to them.
Are you being helpful in anyway? Do the words that you are gong to say, lift someone up or bring them down?
Would you want to spend the rest of your life living in misery because of a label that someone cast on you? If not then why are you the very person saying nasty things about anyone?
Why are you wasting so much time being negative in your life? Of all the weapons on earth, the mouth has to be the deadliest. So guard what you say. You cannot take back what you blindly utter to hurt someone. It haunts them for the rest of their life.
So choose your words wisely and begin to use some of these magic words that are in bold.
I am sorry........is all it takes to make things right. Three words spoken sincerely from the heart.
Three words showing exactly how much you value your relationship. Three words that ascertain that you acknowledge that things are not right and that you are sad things turned out the way they did.
I love you.......when spoken from the heart these words can transform a person's life. All shade of dark is removed by these amazing words. Different race, different religion, different cultures, but all brought together by this amazing feeling that is difficult to explain. We all speak the same language when it comes to love. What do you desire most in the world? You might say a better life,wealth, but after all that, if you do not have anyone to share it with, you are just one
empty soul.
I will make it up to you..............a promise to right all the things that you have made wrong.
Trust me.......Are you really worthy of that trust, or will I regret putting that trust in you.
What I have realised is that never say things you do not mean.
Always live up to your end of the bargain.
If you cannot say anything nice about anyone just keep quiet.
It takes a lifetime to build relationships, but all it takes is one single lie(word) to destroy it all.
Never pretend to be something you are not, but at the same time be kind to people.
Be careful what you wish upon your life cause it normally does come true.
In short, mean what you say and say what you mean.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Relationship Advice for Women in Their 20s

Relationship advice for women in their 20s is definitely different than relationship advice for older woman or younger girls. We are not in the same frame of mind during these times.
Our 20s is when we are just starting to figure out who we really are and where we are really going in life. While some women have already figured out their lives direction, most have not.

This uncertainty is why relationships can be so hard during this time. How can we expect our partners to know who we are, how to treat us, and what we really want in life if we don't know ourselves?
Here is some relationship advice to help you have an easier time during your 20s in relationships.

Don't Count on Anyone Else To Make You Happy
You may think that finding a boyfriend will give you the happiness you've been looking for. You might dream about meeting prince charming and living happily ever after, and put all your future happiness into that basket. But the truth is that you will not be happy once you find prince charming if you are not happy now!
If we were all suddenly happy when we got into a relationship then there would be no divorce or fights in a relationship, right? Bottom line: You can't depend on a relationship to make you happy.

YOU are the only one who can make yourself happy. If you do not understand the things that make you happy when you are single then you will not understand them when you are in a relationship. In fact, the relationship might just cause more confusion than anything.

And if you depend on a guy to make you happy during this period of discovering who you really are then you will probably cause the relationship to have many arguments and sad times, and you can even cause a breakup. Nobody should have, or wants, the weight of trying to make you happy all the time on their shoulders.

Remember That You Have Lots of Time
Somewhere in the worlds history it became custom to get married and have kids in your early twenties. And because there are still a lot of people (mothers and grandmothers) who feel that it is supposed to be that way, women in the 20s can feel a lot of pressure to live up to that expectation!

But nowadays 20 is very young and the expectation to be completely settled in a relationship with kids in your early twenties is pretty much ridiculous. Our life spans are increasing and women are busier in their goals and dreams then they were 50 years ago when being a housewife was standard for women.
Now, we have more freedom to focus on ourselves and our wants and needs, and not rush into settling down. And the good news is guys are doing the same thing, so when women are ready to settle down they should have no problem finding a guy their age who wants the same thing.

Don't Try To Change Your Partner
If you do end up in a long-term relationship in your 20s then remember that you can't change your partner to fit your desires. They are also growing and learning what they want in life, and they are on their own specific path. You can't force them to become someone they don't want to be - and if you try to do that then you will find that you will end up with a resentful and bitter partner.

The best thing you can do for your relationship is to allow it to grow as the both of you grow. This means that you do have to put work into the relationship and keep the bond between the two of you strong while you each figure out where you are going in life.

You can do this by understanding your partners needs and desires and validating them as important and valuable. He will love that you are so understanding of his uniqueness, and that understanding will only bring the two of you closer!

Remember these 3 bits of relationship advice and you will find that your 20s will go much smoother when it comes to having happy relationships.